Did you get a warning for RWT on runescape? Should you be worried?

One of the scariest things to see in your inbox would be a warning from Jagex about RWT. Your beloved account has been detected being naughty. Did you buy OSRS RuneScape gold

What is RWT on Runescape? 

RWT stands for real world trade. It means exchanging something in the real world for Runescape gold in a virtual world.  

How did they catch you? Did Runescape ban you for no reason?

Jagex’s system for detecting botting and RWT is mainly operated by automated programs. These systems aren’t perfect and can result in false bans but they are somewhat accurate. People trade massive amounts of gold and items in game every day with friends so why were you detected to be RWT’ing? Did jagex think you buy RS gold osrs?  You either purchased or sold to an unsafe person or you were detected by a robot for some reason. Please refer to this article to find how to buy osrs gold safe 

If you truly didn’t do anything against the game rules, you should appeal your ban using this link https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002238729-Appeal-an-offence#appeal-a-ban-or-mute. Unfortunately, even if you’re innocent, you may receive an outcome you don’t like after you appeal your ban. It’s still worth trying to appeal, but because of their system being primarily automated, you’re more likely to lose since a real person may now reviewing your case.

Should you stop buying and selling Runescape gold OSRS?

You should definitely lay off selling and buying with the account that received a warning for at least 2 weeks. If you need to move gold on or off the account, use a different account of yours on the same IP address until enough time has passed where you’re able to use your main account again. If you weren't already using a safe source of gold, try finding one. 

What is Runescape's RWT Ban Rate?

Every day, tens of thousands of people are buying and selling Runescape Gold. The market for this gold is vast and it's always been very active since the game was created. The chances of getting banned for real world trade is relatively low but if you participate in RWT unsafely, you make yourself more likely to be a victim of being banned. You can avoid being banned, if you learn how to buy safe osrs gold.

How long is a permanent ban on Runescape?

This might sound like a ridiculous question but many people ask it and the answer is surprising! You'd think that a permanent bans means you will never be unbanned but that is not the case. You have a small chance of being unbanned after an appeal and even a smaller chance of being unbanned after trying to appeal again after a long time (about a year). Don't get your hopes up too high though. Most people don't have success being unbanned from a permanent ban, but it is possible. 


Is Real World Trade Illegal?

No, it is not a law in any country in the world. It is the games way of monoplizing your hours of hard work and trying to scare you into not doing it. What is illegal is hacking the game. RWT is not a hack, trading is a part of the games natural features. According to the game, you can trade as much as you like as long as their is no deals happening outside the game. Let's be clear, the game has no way to prosecute or dictate how you act ouside of the game.  The worst thing that can happen is Jagex will permanently ban your account and you’d be able to just create another account. Here is how you can buy osrs gold safely It is very very very unlikely to ever be legally prosecuted for RWT. 


Is Jagex really cracking down on RWT?

Jagex has always made this threat now and again. The problem with Jagex doing this is that they may ban too many players falsely causing a huge problem for their game. What decides if a twisted bow trade to your friend is a sale or a loan? Jagex is using this automated warning message to deter players from breaking their rules. It’s a good strategy but it hasn’t stopped the hundreds of billions of gold being moved around every single day. Once people realize that all they have to do is choose safe places to buy or sell their OSRS gold the threat becomes old news. Here is the best site to buy OSRS RuneScape Gold