Some of us have only dreamt of having a level 99 skill cape on Runescape. That 13 million experience you need just seems like forever away. Imagine if you could reach level 99 in a skill within just ONE DAY. Yeah that’s right! ONE DAY!
To get 99 Fletching in about 12-18 hours for a normal person, you’ll need to use some of the fastest and most costly methods. Darts is the fastest possible experience and it’s super easy! All you have to do is attach feathers to darts. Fletching Dragon Darts can net you 1.2M experience per hour. That's an insane rate of experience!
If you don’t take breaks and focus on reaching your goal of 99 Fletching, you can achieve it in under 10 hours. EVScape, a popular youtuber shows you how he did it in 8 hours and 15 minutes in this guide - . He took a net loss of 120M OSRS GP while performing his methods but he had his new 99 cape in such a short time frame.
Level 1-10 - Bronze Arrows - (868 Bronze Arrows)
Level 10-22 - Bronze Darts - (2,484 Bronze Darts)
Level 22-37 - Iron Darts - (5,750 Iron Darts)
Level 37-52 - Steel Darts - (12,825 Steel Darts)
Level 52-67 - Mithril Darts - (37,884 Mithril Darts)
Level 67-81 - Adamant Darts - (109,658 Adamant Darts)
Level 81-95 - Rune Darts - (349,933 Rune Darts)
Level 95-99 - Dragon Darts - (170,515 Dragon Darts)
It is clear that using the fastest fletching training is not profitable but will get you that awesome skill cape in a jiffy! Within just 1 day and at a cost of a little less than 300M OSRS, you can get your 99 Fletching! What are you waiting for?