Yes, we adjust our prices based on the supply and demand. While doing so, we always try and focus on staying the lower price for our buyers.
After your payment has been made and verified by our staff, we will deliver your gold right away. You can always connect to the chat before completing purchase to make sure the gold is in stock right away. If your order isn't completed within 24 hours, you will receive a full refund.
Roughly 1 in 100 customers are ever asked for additional verification. If we ask you, don't take it persoanlly it is just part of our process to ensure a safe transaction. Luckily, if we ever do we only ask for limited information. Working with our process ensures we have a safe site so that we can continue to provide amazing service.
No, Please note we sell services for virtual games, which cannot be converted to physical or digital goods. All products we offer cannot exit the virtual world.


  • Email: support@loot4rs.com
  • 18117 Biscayne Blvd
  • Aventura, FL 33160